Try this query to resend failed items in the Database Mail queue.
declare @mailItem int
declare @mailRequest nvarchar(max)
declare @mailRecipient nvarchar(max)
declare @mailSubject nvarchar(255)
declare @mailSendDate datetime
declare @statusMsg nvarchar(400)
declare @rc int
declare curFailedMail cursor fast_forward for
SELECT [mailitem_id]
FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysmail_faileditems]
open curFailedMail
fetch next from curFailedMail into @mailItem
while @@fetch_status = 0
begin -- fetch loop
-- Create request xml
SET @mailRequest = '<requests:SendMail xmlns:xsi="" '
+ 'xsi:schemaLocation=" RequestTypes.xsd" '
+ 'xmlns:requests=""> '
+ '<MailItemId>' + convert(nvarchar(20), @mailItem) + N'</MailItemId></requests:SendMail>'
-- put the request on the queue.
EXEC @rc = msdb..sp_SendMailQueues @mailRequest
IF @rc = 0
BEGIN -- resend success
set @statusMsg = N'Mailitem "' + convert(nvarchar(20), @mailItem) + '" '
+ N', was added to the queue for re-sending.'
RAISERROR(@statusMsg, 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT
END -- resend success
BEGIN -- resend failure
RAISERROR(14627, 16, 1, @rc, 'send mail') WITH LOG
END -- resend failure
fetch next from curFailedMail into @mailItem
end -- fetch loop
close curFailedMail
deallocate curFailedMail
This script worked perfectly - thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot. It worked perfectly. Also, Here I include a query to check whether the mails are sent.
select * from msdb..sysmail_faileditems where mailitem_id in
( select mailitem_id from msdb.dbo.sysmail_sentitems )
We can delete these items from failed list
Thanks again
Ditto, thanks Phil
Nice script. Worked really well. Depending on how you use Database mail i would caution you on just running it without checking to see what has failed in the past. I had customer alert emails that were over a year old that would have been sent out with this script. Its a simple solution, just add a WHERE clause to the cursor to select >= a specific mailitem_id. I'm going to hang on to this script because i am sure i will use it again.
Brilliant script! Many thanks Phil
Perfect, it´s exactly that solution I needed
Thank's a lot!
2015 checking in... yup, still works. Thanks!
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