Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Loving 3G

Recently I moved from Telstra to 3 Mobile. On 3 Mobile I get all the 3G services at pretty much the same price that I was paying on Telstra. This was one of the chief reasons behind my switch.

My old NEC 412i, while being a nice thin and funky phone, used i-mode to provide dynamic content. Many of the i-mode pages were months out of date and I was getting charged $10-$15 a month for this out-dated content.

Now I'm the proud owner of a nifty Sony Ericsson W880i Walkman Phone. This phone gives me all the features you'd expect in a 3G phone (Internet browsing, video calls, video messaging, live TV, etc...) and it's only 9.4mm thick.

For example at the moment I'm using my mobile phone to watch auction at Grays Online to make sure we get the honking server that we want. Sweet!!

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